The Top 3 Heroes for Countering Beatrix in Mobile Legends

Beatrix is a formidable marksman in the popular game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Her intricate skillset grants players a wide array of options, making her a versatile choice regardless of the enemy lineup. With her unique abilities, Beatrix can adapt to various gameplay situations, ensuring an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience. When facing off against skilled Beatrix players in ranked matches, expect a challenging encounter. These experienced players have honed their skills with Beatrix, mastering her mechanics and strategies. They possess a deep understanding of her strengths and weaknesses, making them formidable opponents on the battlefield.

To effectively counter Beatrix, it’s crucial to devise a well-rounded strategy. Consider selecting heroes that can disrupt her mobility and control her movements. Heroes with crowd control abilities, such as stuns or silences, can prove effective in limiting Beatrix’s impact during team fights. Additionally, heroes with high burst damage or long-range attacks can swiftly eliminate her before she can inflict significant damage. Communication and teamwork are vital when facing Beatrix. Coordinate with your teammates to prioritize targeting and neutralizing Beatrix in team fights. By focusing your efforts on shutting her down, you can tip the scales in your favor and secure victory.

Here are three heroes that stand a chance against Beatrix


Natalia, the stealthy assassin of the Land of Dawn, is known for giving squishy heroes a difficult time on the battlefield. With her exceptional mobility and deadly skill set, Natalia poses a significant threat to heroes who rely on ranged attacks, such as Renner and Bennett. One of Natalia’s greatest strengths is her ability to move swiftly and undetected across the battlefield. Her passive skill, Assassin’s Instinct, grants her enhanced movement speed when she is out of combat for a short period. This allows her to traverse the map quickly and efficiently, making it challenging for enemies to track her movements. When it comes to countering heroes like Renner and Bennett, Natalia’s kit provides her with the tools needed to burst them down before they can mount a proper defense. Her combo of Claw Dash and the Hunt is a deadly combination. With Claw Dash, Natalia can dash towards her target, dealing damage and slowing them down. This sets up the perfect opportunity to activate the Hunt, where she unleashes a flurry of strikes, dealing massive damage and potentially eliminating her target. The key to successfully countering heroes like Renner and Bennett as Natalia lies in timing and positioning.

Natalia excels at catching her enemies off guard, utilizing her stealth and burst damage to take them down swiftly. Waiting for the opportune moment to strike is crucial. Observing the enemy’s movements and predicting their actions can help Natalia initiate her combo at the most vulnerable moment, ensuring maximum effectiveness. Additionally, Natalia’s ultimate, Cold-blooded Strangling, further amplifies her damage output and control over her targets. This skill allows her to silence enemies, preventing them from using their skills and rendering them helpless for a short duration. Against heroes like Renner and Bennett, this can be devastating, as it disrupts their ability to use their ranged attacks and escape abilities, leaving them vulnerable to Natalia’s onslaught. To counter Natalia’s aggression, heroes like Renner and Bennett should prioritize vision control and stick together with their team. Natalia relies on surprise attacks and isolating targets, so maintaining a cohesive unit can make it more challenging for her to find opportunities to strike. Utilizing crowd control abilities and staying within range of allies can also deter Natalia from engaging, as she is vulnerable when caught in a team fight. Natalia’s high mobility and burst damage make her a formidable assassin against squishy heroes like Renner and Bennett. Her ability to move swiftly and undetected allows her to catch her enemies off guard and burst them down before they can react. However, proper positioning, teamwork, and vision control can help mitigate Natalia’s impact on the battlefield. Understanding her abilities and playing strategically against her will give heroes like Renner and Bennett a better chance of surviving her deadly onslaught.


If you’re not comfortable playing as an assassin hero, there is an alternative approach to countering Beatrix in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Choosing to play as a marksman, specifically Clint, can be an effective strategy. While Clint may not possess the same level of mobility as Natalia, he compensates with a significant amount of damage that can easily dismantle Beatrix. Clint’s playstyle revolves around dealing immense damage from a distance. Although he lacks the mobility of heroes like Natalia, Clint’s firepower makes up for it. His basic attacks and skills can chip away at Beatrix’s health, and with proper positioning, he can unleash devastating blows that can quickly decimate her. During the early game, Clint’s skill, Quick Draw, proves to be a valuable tool for poking Beatrix and wearing her down. This skill allows Clint to strike from a safe distance, keeping Beatrix at bay and denying her the opportunity to engage with her full arsenal. As Clint gains levels and unlocks his ultimate skill, Grenade Bombardment, he becomes even deadlier. This skill delivers a massive amount of burst damage, greatly increasing Clint’s kill potential against Beatrix. While mobile marksman heroes like Wanwan and Karrie excel at evading Beatrix’s attacks due to their dash abilities, Clint approaches the matchup differently. Instead of relying on mobility, Clint capitalizes on his early game damage output. By focusing on building items to enhance his attack power, Clint can deal significant damage to Beatrix without the need for excessive mobility. This playstyle allows Clint to maintain a strong presence in the lane and pressure Beatrix throughout the game.

However, it’s important to note that countering Beatrix solely with Clint requires careful positioning and map awareness. Beatrix’s versatility and skillset can make her a challenging opponent, even for a marksman like Clint. To maximize Clint’s effectiveness, communication with teammates is crucial. Coordinate ganks and rotations to apply pressure on Beatrix from different angles, limiting her options and creating opportunities for Clint to secure kills. In addition to playing Clint, it’s important to consider itemization against Beatrix. Building items that enhance Clint’s damage output and provide sustain can greatly improve his chances of winning trades and engagements. Items like Demon Hunter Sword, Berserker’s Fury, and Blade of Despair can significantly boost Clint’s damage potential, allowing him to shred through Beatrix’s defenses. Lastly, it’s essential to remain adaptable and adjust your strategy as the game progresses. Beatrix players may adapt their playstyle and itemization to counter Clint specifically. Stay vigilant, monitor Beatrix’s movements, and communicate with your team to make informed decisions and capitalize on opportunities. Employing Clint as a marksman to counter Beatrix in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang can be a viable strategy. While Clint may not possess the same level of mobility as assassins, his high damage output compensates for it. Utilizing Clint’s skills and positioning effectively, along with proper itemization and teamwork, can lead to successful engagements against Beatrix. Remember to stay focused, communicate with your team, and adapt your strategy as needed to secure victory against this formidable opponent.


Lancelot, the swift and deadly assassin, possesses both the firepower and versatile kit necessary to outmaneuver and evade every single one of Beatrix’s ultimate abilities. One of Lancelot’s greatest advantages against Beatrix lies in his exceptional mobility. Each of Lancelot’s skills incorporates dashes, granting him the ability to swiftly navigate the battlefield and avoid a significant portion of Beatrix’s damaging ultimates. His first skill, Thorned Rose, allows him to dash towards his target while also dealing damage. This dash can be timed perfectly to evade Beatrix’s powerful ultimates, such as Bennett’s Rage, Nibiru’s Passion, and Renner’s Apathy. Furthermore, Lancelot’s ultimate, Phantom Execution, grants him enhanced mobility and invulnerability, making it even easier for him to sidestep Beatrix’s onslaught. In a one-on-one encounter, Lancelot’s chances of emerging victorious against Beatrix are incredibly high. His ability to avoid Beatrix’s ultimates with well-timed dashes gives him a significant advantage. By utilizing Thorned Rose or Phantom Execution at the right moment, Lancelot can effectively nullify Beatrix’s damage potential and turn the tide of the battle in his favor. The combination of Lancelot’s swift mobility, burst damage, and evasive maneuvers makes him a formidable opponent for Beatrix.

However, it’s important to note that success against Beatrix as Lancelot also depends on other factors, such as positioning, timing, and overall game strategy. Lancelot must be aware of Beatrix’s abilities and play accordingly, anticipating her moves and planning his dashes and engagements wisely. Communication with teammates is also crucial, as coordinated attacks and teamwork can further enhance Lancelot’s chances of success against Beatrix. While Lancelot possesses the means to evade Beatrix’s ultimates, it’s worth mentioning that Beatrix is a versatile and formidable hero herself. She may adapt her playstyle and tactics to counter Lancelot’s mobility and burst damage. Therefore, Lancelot players should remain vigilant, constantly assess the battlefield, and be ready to adjust their strategies accordingly. In conclusion, Lancelot’s exceptional mobility and evasive abilities make him a formidable adversary for Beatrix. His dashes incorporated into his skill set allow him to effectively avoid Beatrix’s ultimate abilities, giving him a significant advantage in one-on-one situations. However, success against Beatrix ultimately depends on factors such as positioning, timing, teamwork, and adaptability. By utilizing Lancelot’s mobility and burst damage wisely, communicating with teammates, and remaining adaptable, players can increase their chances of emerging victorious against the deadly Beatrix.

Which hero is better against Beatrix: Clint or Lancelot?
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