Lynn Vision sign flying after successful trial performance

Lynn Vision, a prominent Chinese esports organization, announced on Wednesday that they have signed Peiqi “flying” Song to their roster. The 22-year-old rising star will be replacing Dongkai “Jee” Ji, who departed the team last month. The new addition to the Lynn Vision lineup impressed during a successful tryout period. At the recent MESA Nomadic Masters Spring tournament in Mongolia, flying posted an impressive average rating of 5.8, helping to guide the team to a respectable 4th place finish. His standout performances during the event caught the eye of Lynn Vision’s coaching staff, who moved quickly to secure his services for the upcoming season. “We’re thrilled to welcome Peiqi to the Lynn Vision family,” said team manager Li Hua. “He showed immense talent and potential during the tryouts, and we firmly believe he has what it takes to become a true star in our region. His skill, dedication, and hunger to succeed make him a perfect fit for our team as we look to rebuild and contend for major titles.” For flying, the opportunity to join such an established and respected organization is a dream come true. “I’m incredibly honored and excited to be joining Lynn Vision,” he said. “This is a team with a storied history of success, and I can’t wait to contribute to their continued growth and achievement. My goal is to learn from the veteran players, develop my skills to the fullest, and help lead this team back to the top of the leaderboards.”

The young prodigy will have big shoes to fill, as he replaces the departing Jee, who had been a cornerstone of the Lynn Vision roster for several years. However, those within the organization are confident that flying has the talent and mentality to step up and make an immediate impact. “Dongkai has been an invaluable part of this team, and we’re grateful for his many contributions over the years,” added Li Hua. “But we believe Peiqi has the potential to not only fill that void, but to elevate our team to new heights. His addition, combined with the continued leadership of our veteran players, has us feeling very optimistic about the season ahead.” Fans of Lynn Vision are eagerly anticipating the debut of their new star player, eager to see how he will mesh with the existing roster and what he can bring to the table. With the support of the organization and his experienced teammates, flying will undoubtedly have every opportunity to showcase his talent and help propel the team back to the top of the competitive landscape.

Lynn Vision sign flying after successful trial performance

The signing of Peiqi “flying” Song marks his triumphant return to the upper echelons of the Chinese esports scene. After his previous team, Wings Up, disbanded back in January, the young star has been eager to prove himself on a bigger stage once more. Flying’s new home, Lynn Vision, will certainly provide him that platform. The organization has high hopes that their prized new recruit can help lead them back to the top. And it’s easy to see why – just last week, Lynn Vision reached the final of the top group in the ESL Challenger League 47 Asia-Pacific tournament. In an impressive display, they defeated the formidable TYLOO squad 2-1. Now, Lynn Vision sets their sights on an even bigger prize – a spot in the prestigious ESL Pro League 20. Standing in their way is ATOX, another top team in the region. But with flying now in their ranks, the Lynn Vision faithful are feeling increasingly confident about their chances. “This is the perfect opportunity for Peiqi to showcase his full potential,” said team manager Li Hua. “He’s hungry to prove himself at the highest level, and we believe he has what it takes to help lead this organization back to glory. With him alongside our veteran core, the sky’s the limit for what we can achieve this season.” The signing of flying has certainly generated a palpable buzz among the Chinese esports community. After his standout performances at the MESA Nomadic Masters, fans are eager to see how the young star will integrate into the Lynn Vision lineup and what he can bring to the table. If he can maintain his impressive form, there’s no telling how far this team might go. For flying himself, the opportunity to join such an esteemed organization is a dream come true. “This is a chance I’ve been working towards my entire career,” he said. “Lynn Vision has a storied history of success, and I can’t wait to be a part of the next chapter. I know I have big shoes to fill, but I’m ready to step up and prove that I belong at the top.” The 22-year-old’s journey to this point has been anything but smooth, however. After parting ways with Wings Up, he found himself without a team, unsure of his next move. But he remained steadfast in his determination to bounce back stronger than ever. “It was a really difficult time for me,” flying admitted. “I poured my heart and soul into Wings Up, and when that came crashing down, I didn’t know what the future held. But I never lost faith that if I kept grinding, the right opportunity would present itself.” That opportunity arrived in the form of the Lynn Vision tryouts, where flying wasted little time in making his mark. His standout performances at the MESA Nomadic Masters, where he posted an average rating of 5.8, caught the eye of the Lynn Vision brass, who moved quickly to secure his services. “From the moment Peiqi stepped on the server, we knew he was something special,” said Li Hua. “His mechanical skill, game sense, and sheer competitiveness are off the charts. And just as importantly, he has the mentality and work ethic to back it all up. We had no doubt he was the perfect fit to help take this team to new heights.” That transition to Lynn Vision has not been without its challenges, however. The team’s existing roster, led by veteran stars like Jee, have developed a strong chemistry and identity over the years. Integrating a new, young player like flying into that dynamic has required careful navigation.

“It’s been an adjustment for sure,” admitted flying. “These guys have been playing together for a long time, and they have their own way of doing things. But I’ve been really impressed by how welcoming and supportive they’ve been. They’ve taken me under their wing and are helping me find my place within the team.” Part of that process has involved flying learning to temper his more aggressive, individualistic tendencies. While his hyper-aggressive playstyle was a big part of what made him stand out at the MESA Nomadic Masters, Lynn Vision’s coaches have emphasized the need for him to play a more disciplined, team-oriented game. “Peiqi has an incredibly high ceiling, but he also has a tendency to try and do too much on his own,” explained head coach Zhang Wei. “Our goal is to help him channel that natural talent and aggression in a way that complements the rest of the roster. We need him to be a true team player, not just a star who tries to carry every map on his own.” It’s a challenge that flying has embraced wholeheartedly. He understands that in order to reach the next level, he needs to evolve his game and seamlessly integrate with his new teammates. “The coaches have been really clear about what they want from me, and I’m committed to making that transition,” he said. “I know I have to play a more structured, disciplined style to help this team succeed. But I also believe that if I can do that, while still showcasing my individual talent, I’ll be an even more dangerous player.” That willingness to adapt and improve has been hugely encouraging for the Lynn Vision organization. They see flying as a cornerstone piece for their future, a player who can not only make an immediate impact, but also grow alongside the team over the long term. “Peiqi is still so young, but he has the maturity and drive to keep developing his skills,” said Li Hua. “We’re committed to providing him with all the resources and support he needs to reach his full potential. If he continues to put in the work and buy into our team-oriented approach, there’s no limit to what he can achieve.” That long-term vision is a big part of what attracted flying to Lynn Vision in the first place. After the disbandment of Wings Up, he was eager to find a stable, ambitious organization that could help him reach the next level of his career. “A lot of teams were interested in signing me, but Lynn Vision stood out because of their clear plan for the future,” flying explained. “They didn’t just want me to come in and be a quick fix. They want to build something sustainable, with me as a core part of it. That really resonated with me and my own goals.” Those goals extend far beyond simply finding a new team. Flying is determined to use this opportunity to cement his status as one of the premier players in the Chinese scene. And with the full support of the Lynn Vision organization behind him, he believes he can achieve that lofty aim. “I’ve tasted success before, but I know I haven’t even come close to reaching my ceiling yet,” he said. “This is my chance to prove that I’m not just a one-hit wonder, but a true elite-level talent. I want to win titles, break records, and cement my legacy as one of the greats. And I know with Lynn Vision, I have the perfect platform to do just that.” The road ahead will undoubtedly be filled with challenges. Lynn Vision still has work to do to solidify their place among the Chinese esports elite, and flying will have to continue adapting to his new team’s systems and playstyle. But the organization and the player are both brimming with confidence and a shared belief that they can reach the pinnacle together.

“We’re just scratching the surface of what this team is capable of,” said Li Hua. “With flying leading the charge, along with our veteran core, I truly believe we can compete for championships both domestically and internationally. This is an exciting new era for Lynn Vision, and I can’t wait to see how far we can go.” As for flying, the opportunity to be the centerpiece of such an ambitious project is one he’s relishing. He’s eager to repay the faith that Lynn Vision has shown in him, and to prove that he has what it takes to be a true superstar of the scene. “I know the pressure is on, but that’s exactly how I like it,” he said with a grin. “I thrive under the spotlight, and I can’t wait to go out there and show the world what I’m made of. This is my chance to cement a legacy, and I plan on grabbing it with both hands.” With the ESL Pro League 20 qualifier looming, flying and his Lynn Vision teammates will have the perfect stage to begin that journey. A victory over ATOX would not only secure their spot in the prestigious tournament, but also send a resounding message to the rest of the Chinese scene. “We’re coming for the top, plain and simple,” declared flying. “I know it won’t be easy, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. This team, this organization – they’re ready to win, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make that a reality. Just watch us.”

What was the key announcement made by the Chinese organization Lynn Vision?
Lynn Vision announced the signing of Peiqi "flying⁠" Song, who will replace Dongkai "Jee⁠" Ji who left last month.
Lynn Vision announced the results of their team's performance at the MESA Nomadic Masters Spring tournament in Mongolia, where they finished fourth.
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