The first leaks about the 25th agent in VALORANT

The first unofficial teaser has appeared online for the next agent in VALORANT, who will wear the number 25.

The first unofficial teaser has appeared online for the next agent in VALORANT, who will wear the number 25. His code name is SmokeDancer, and he will specialize in certain skills.

Several months have passed since the appearance of a new agent in VALORANT, and, judging by the traditions of Riot Games, another member of the Protocol will soon appear in the game. With the release of the eighth episode imminent, information leaks have already begun to appear revealing the main details of the new character in the tactical shooter.

There are currently 24 agents in VALORANT, and the game’s meta looks stable. Following the introduction of Iso, the latest agent added, the community has discovered the first unofficial teaser of the upcoming character, which, according to preliminary data, resembles Ladybug. According to information from ValorLeaks, the upcoming agent, like Viper and Astra, will be a controller class. However, other than this information, there are no new details yet.

The VALORANT Agent roster is currently relatively balanced across categories, with five Specialists

Typically, Riot Games introduces a new agent with each episode. At the beginning of the seventh episode, the company announced that in 2023 the game will receive three new agents and a new map. And Riot Games is keeping its promise with the release of Iso, followed by Deadlock and the Sunset map. This leaves the last aspect of the promise that awaits us in the future.

First leaks about SmokeDancer

According to information from ValorLeaks, it turns out that the teaser in question is part of a player map included in the Episode Eight, Act One battle pass. The new agent is expected to appear in Episode Eight, Act Two. This isn’t the first time a VALORANT agent has been previewed in the game’s Battle Pass. During Episode 7 of Act 2, Riot added a “Bulletproof” player card, hinting at Iso’s appearance in Act 3.

Therefore, the new agent’s teaser could be related to one of his abilities. ValorLeaks also reported that the new agent, codenamed “Smokedancer”, will presumably be a specialist, as can be seen from his name. This means that he will join a number of other agents such as Viper, Harbor, Brimstone, Astra and Omen, continuing to develop the smoke control meta-game. As a fan of controllers, I’m looking forward to getting to grips with the new agent. It’s been over a year since Harbor’s appearance in Episode 5 of Act 3, and a change in the Smokers meta was definitely needed.

Typically, Riot Games introduces a new agent with each episode.

The VALORANT Agent roster is currently relatively balanced across categories, with five Specialists, seven Duelists, five Guardians, and six Initiators. Given that we already have enough initiators and a new guardian and duelist was introduced in Episode 7, there is reason to believe that the new agent will be the sixth specialist in the game.

Possible controller abilities

We don’t know much about Agent 25’s abilities at this point, and there’s also limited information about the leaked player card. However, we can tentatively say that this agent or agency shows a special attachment to nature.

Based on the map taken from VALORANT Episode 8, Act 1, it appears that Agent 25 will be a female character with moth-like abilities. Rich purple and pink hues, as well as butterfly images, indicate that this will be a joyful Killjoy-like agent that will be able to use nature and insects to create blockages and limit visibility. However, it is still difficult to say for sure whether this agent is a moth or a rabbit. The teaser is quite abstract and is designed to arouse interest and imagination among players. Either way, Agent 25 seems to be a character deeply connected to nature, similar to Skye.

According to information from ValorLeaks

Episode Eight, Act One is scheduled for January 9 next year, and, according to tradition, will last approximately two months. Act Two is expected to release immediately after, meaning Agent 25 of VALORANT could arrive perhaps in March 2024.

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