sdy and podi joined the ENCE team

ENCE, the prominent Finnish esports organization, recently announced some significant changes to their CS2 roster. In a statement posted across their social media channels, the organization revealed that Viktor “sdy” Orudjev and Paavo “podi” Heiskanen have joined the team. sdy, a highly skilled rifler, has joined ENCE after parting ways with Natus Vincere earlier this year. The addition of the young Russian talent is seen as a strategic move to bolster ENCE’s firepower and depth. Podi, on the other hand, is a rising star from Finland who has been making waves in the domestic CS scene. His inclusion is expected to bring fresh energy and perspective to ENCE lineup.

Meanwhile, Aleksander “hades” Miskiewicz and Paweł “dycha” Dycha, who were previously part of the active roster, have been relegated to a substitute role. This shift in the team’s composition is likely driven by ENCE’s desire to optimize their performance and find the right balance of skills and synergy within the squad. The announcement has generated significant buzz within the CS:GO community, with fans eager to see how the new-look ENCE roster will fare in upcoming tournaments and leagues. The organization’s commitment to constantly evolving and refining their team has been a hallmark of their success in the past, and this latest round of changes is expected to keep ENCE’s competitive edge sharp.

ENCE Bolsters Roster with Additions of sdy and podi

Prior to joining ENCE, sdy had been making a name for himself on the CS2 scene. While playing for Club Monte, he was instrumental in propelling the team up the rankings throughout 2023. His breakout performance came at ESL Challenger Jönköping, where he earned his first MVP award – a testament to his transformation from a supporting player on Natus Vincere to a true star in his own right. sdy’s journey to this point has been a fascinating one. After several years of honing his skills on various teams, he finally got his big break with Natus Vincere in 2022. While he initially played a more supplementary role, he steadily improved and began to assert himself as a crucial component of the Na’Vi lineup. His ability to seamlessly transition between support and entry-fragging duties, coupled with his consistently impressive individual performances, caught the eye of many in the CS2 community. It was his time at Club Monte, however, that truly catapulted sdy into the spotlight. Joining the team in early 2023, he quickly established himself as their primary star player, leading the charge in their rapid ascent up the global rankings. His calm yet impactful playstyle, combined with an uncanny ability to make clutch plays, were instrumental in Club Monte’s impressive run of results. The pinnacle of sdy’s time with Club Monte came at ESL Challenger Jönköping, where he delivered a standout individual performance, culminating in him being awarded the tournament’s MVP trophy. This achievement was a symbolic passing of the torch, as sdy proved he had the talent and poise to transition from a supporting role to become a true lead player capable of carrying a team to victory. Joining sdy on the new-look ENCE roster is 19-year-old podi, who was previously part of the ENCE Academy team. Podi, an up-and-coming AWPer, was originally slated to join Sprout back in March, but when that deal fell through, he returned to ENCE and has now earned a promotion to the main squad.

Podi’s journey has been marked by a steady rise through the ranks of the Finnish CS2 scene. After honing his skills in the ENCE Academy, he caught the attention of Sprout, who sought to bring him on board to bolster their roster. However, when that move ultimately fell through, podi found himself back in the ENCE system, and his hard work and dedication have now been rewarded with a spot on the organization’s main team. In a statement shared on his Telegram channel, sdy expressed his delight at linking up with ENCE. He acknowledged the organization’s rich history and strong identity, as well as their lofty ambitions. sdy emphasized that his decision to join ENCE was driven by both his personal feelings and a logical assessment of the opportunity. After extensive discussions, he was convinced by the passion and commitment of the people within the organization – a key factor in his move. The chance to play alongside the legendary gla1ve, as well as the energetic young talents on the roster, has sdy feeling inspired. He also noted that he had previously worked with ENCE’s coach, kuben, and that they share a similar outlook on the game and on personal relationships. sdy went on to express his excitement at the prospect of contributing to ENCE’s ongoing success. He recognized the team’s storied legacy and believes that, with the right mindset and dedication, they can achieve even greater heights. sdy is eager to put in the hard work and cement his place as a vital cog in the ENCE machine, drawing upon his experiences at Club Monte and Natus Vincere to help guide the team to new levels of achievement. For podi, the move to ENCE’s main roster represents a significant milestone in his burgeoning career. The young Finnish AWPer has long been viewed as a player with immense potential, and this promotion is a testament to the progress he has made both on and off the server. Podi is determined to prove that he deserves his spot on the team and has set his sights on helping ENCE reach new competitive heights. sdy and podi’s first match as part of the new ENCE lineup will be against DMS at the RES European Masters 1 Fall 2024 event, where a coveted spot at the Blast Premier Fall Showdown is up for grabs. All eyes will be on the duo as they look to make an immediate impact and signal ENCE’s intent to reclaim their place among the elite teams in the CS2 landscape.

The addition of sdy and podi to the ENCE roster has generated significant excitement and anticipation within the community. With their proven track records of individual excellence and their hunger to succeed, the new-look ENCE team is poised to be a force to be reckoned with in the months and years to come. Fans and pundits alike will be eagerly awaiting the debut of this revitalized roster, eager to see what they can achieve together.

What are your thoughts on ENCE's roster changes with the additions of sdy and podi?
I'm excited to see what the new-look ENCE team can achieve with these talented additions.
I'm not convinced the changes will significantly improve ENCE's performance.
Voted: 1

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